Monday, January 22, 2018

# 50 Abstraction

Similarities and differences -
He's like a special kid -
often used interchangeably -
it makes you think -
we know so little -
he held her lip -
laypersons and scholars -
attempting to clarify -
inspecting it closely -
the deconstruction of a rumor -
it's a new flavor -
proposing a definition -
He pointed to his screen -
delineates the situational -
it's a home run -
the motivational context -
This is crazy -
rumors arise -
He's my special boy -
potentially threatening -
a battle rages -
instrumentally relevant information -
obscures the messy -
statements in circulation -
in that little box

# 49 Beta Version

The beta version
read by thousands
allows anyone
they are all basically the same
create a digital voice
send $1 to each of them
with only one minute of audio
the 5 people at the bottom
Simply sign up
then move your name
recording yourself
onto the list
for at least one minute
it will be doubled
you will be able to generate
a hidden attachment
any sentence you like
a ninth-complexity infinite binary loop 
with your digital voice 
quickly destroying it

# 48 Central Desires

I asked God for a bike
Sex is the central desire
I know God doesn’t work that way
dreams are primarily reflections
So I stole a bike
Dreams have no consistent continuity
and asked for forgiveness
pretty explicit simulations
I want to die peacefully
in a sex dream
in my sleep
forgotten interactions
like my grandfather
still unfortunately
not screaming or yelling
we do not really understand
like the passengers in his car

Friday, January 12, 2018

# 47 Movie Script

No one was abused
he tries to keep it going
right from wrong
finishing with the girl
it's all based on irony
when you’re not in the mood
it's wildly contradictory
they haven’t even showered
in a totally sincere interview
they fumble around
withholding bathroom breaks
she gives him a towel
striking him in the arm
she screams out in pain
having his coffee

# 46 Full Circle

Considering this person
making music with her mouth
clouding my thinking
she is completely weightless
on the highest ground
finding ourselves split open
in a desperate attempt
within a wafer-thin plot
I wouldn't be caught dead
going down the drain
pushing her buttons
an encore nobody asked for
Is eating fish eating meat?
Because it always comes full circle

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

# 45 Alone in the dark

The lick observed
passes over the tongue
obelisks of generations past
black granite from the quarry
a large collective of sentient beings
in the first five-year plan
hearing regular radio pulses
palpated in any place
It could be a buzzing bug
a massive security breach
getting through a bottleneck
thrust onto another thing
right across the room
casting shadows on the floor
It is important for us
it's on the tip of our fingers
alone in the dark

# 44 The mother of all

people get into him
his magnetic environment
violence is not always a solution
in that mega-neighborhood
a giant wilderness
the eastern corner
a massive black bomb
in one of them
at the galactic centre
it doesn't make it right
it isn't even wrong
but nothing is ruled out 
using their fire sticks
neutron shooting stars
out of control americans
sitting in such a position
getting punched in the back
could produce such blasts
two things will inevitably occur
material thrown out
will land you the morgue
a massive star collapses
now it wants you too
in some sort of cocoon
you need your glasses checked
to be ridiculously great
the mother of all

Sunday, January 7, 2018

# 43 Golden Ring

A person who is incapable
the governing class
the direct influence of desire
using it interchangeably
they end up believing it
dissemination of information
an ambivalent relationship
it may not become evident
a hoop easy to jump through
disapproval by your peers
an intuitive manner
failed to reveal even one
motivated by wishful thinking
subjected by forcible compulsion
into understanding himself

# 42 Getting Real

It really doesn't matter
an absolutely useless idea
what I can say about me
and what can’t be said
It could be all words
If Jesus and Moses met
I can post pictures so you can see
fighting over the prayer
the prayer of the future
The idea of politicians
and all that other stuff
people have been killed
Killed fighting over ideas
also that I might want some kind of life
wanting to have it twice
I'm not looking to waste anyone's time
so let's start a new party
Because you'll never get to know me
as the robots take over
so lets all get real
there is no time left
time polished smooth
by the hands of pilgrims

Saturday, January 6, 2018

# 41 Haunting Word

We should have seen it coming
the search for proof
there may be no rational reason
to negate the concept of reducibility
we really should have guessed
at the critical juncture
what was going to happen
the unavoidable thing
singularity was our two greatest assets
taken to the base in Hajar
a triple reducible configuration
only to find it popping up again
rumors spread of this flaw
throughout the next cycle
a discharging procedure
for a few days afterwards
this was always possible
the word is now haunting us
the word we can't say
we failed to notice it
that the word didn’t exist before
throughout all the centuries
before we learned it

Friday, January 5, 2018

# 40 Cutting the Square

Intuitively we have a sense - standing behind our wall - a kind of mirroring - looking through the windows - Suppose we draw a vertical line - peering through the lattice - through the middle of a square - My beloved responded - and said to me - This line cuts the square - Arise, my darling, my beautiful one - into two equal parts - And come along - each of which - the winter is past - the mirror image of the other - The rain is over and gone

Thursday, January 4, 2018

# 39 Double Judgement

He is the magician - I am yesterday - The passage of time - life only lets you - see two faces - one day at a time - entering the sky - You remember being alive yesterday - This is being generous - Will you be alive tomorrow? - to travel the earth - it feels like you are traveling - but I hide my true self - one to the other - with the same ease - but nobody’s moving anywhere - you cross the sky - Movies don’t really move - the day when we fly - they’re just pictures - Let me rise up - lots and lots of pictures - Let me see the light - all of them still - just above the sea - none of them moving - I flew up to the sky - just frozen moments - descending at dawn - But if you experience it - just let me fly - one after the other - to a double judgement - everything comes alive

Monday, January 1, 2018

# 38 The New Process

photograph the collision - between musical notes - gravitational waves observed - where all tones are equalized - It takes a brand new human organ - equalizing importance - hiding in plain sight - regular, repeating rhythms - It is mathematically impossible - the notes become more important - rather than holding us back - this seems illogical at first - an entirely new process - we cannot eliminate tone - most people wouldn't know how - it was evolving necessarily - this new state of matter - it must stop somewhere - but it starts eating itself - the very nature of time - When we sleep normally - its inexorable outcome - our brains clear it away - without repetition - then it goes into overdrive - but the logic is flawed - it's the weirdest thing

#58 Blistering Feedback

  I just read some blistering feedback Prophesying the future is secondary entertainment documentaries now instead of football Of course his...