Similarities and differences -
He's like a special kid -
often used interchangeably -
it makes you think -
we know so little -
he held her lip -
laypersons and scholars -
attempting to clarify -
inspecting it closely -
the deconstruction of a rumor -
it's a new flavor -
proposing a definition -
He pointed to his screen -
delineates the situational -
it's a home run -
the motivational context -
This is crazy -
rumors arise -
He's my special boy -
potentially threatening -
a battle rages -
instrumentally relevant information -
obscures the messy -
statements in circulation -
in that little box
He's like a special kid -
often used interchangeably -
it makes you think -
we know so little -
he held her lip -
laypersons and scholars -
attempting to clarify -
inspecting it closely -
the deconstruction of a rumor -
it's a new flavor -
proposing a definition -
He pointed to his screen -
delineates the situational -
it's a home run -
the motivational context -
This is crazy -
rumors arise -
He's my special boy -
potentially threatening -
a battle rages -
instrumentally relevant information -
obscures the messy -
statements in circulation -
in that little box